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The Convent Correction Chapter 6 - Demon Dearest

Ester had been the biggest problem for Elizabeth's takeover of the convent from the start. She had always been the one to doubt, to question... the one whose brain was still working beneath all the dogma and hierarchy. Even so, Elizabeth had been convinced that the cunt-faced bitch would come around sooner or later. After all, she endured all the same conditions as the others. She had been naked except for a headdress for months now, subjected to humiliating tasks and sexual activities on the daily. By now, the aphrodisiacs alone should have worn her out with the constant arousal, and the sight of her sisters being fucked into bleeding agony should have, at the very, trapped her in a state of terror.

Which is what made it so annoying that she continued to defy her and cause problems.

It had been three days since her wonderful breakthrough with the Dunsford sisters, and Elizabeth couldn't be happier with how that was going. Alana was going to be a truly excellent pupil. The amount of violent resentment that bottled up in that girl was quite impressive. In Elizabeth's experience, most people had plenty of reasons to hate their family, their close friends, their neighbors... but most people never acted on them because of the rules of society, because they thought it would be wrong. Now, for Alana, Elizabeth had given her permission to set that old resentment free... and she was fully taking advantage.

She was so pleased with herself that Elizabeth could hardly ask for more... but, of course, she did. She wanted to celebrate her success by returning to her two little redheads... another excellent example of resentment too long bottled up being set free. Under Elizabeth's encouraging hand, the two gingers were spiraling into such hatred for one another that Elizabeth genuinely thought that one would try to murder the other soon.

“That’s very well, Adeline,” Elizabeth encouraged. “Keep going.”

A smirk covered the false nun's face as she watched the two genuine novitiates. Though Christine had claimed victory during their first fight, those that followed proved to be different. Adeline might have been the dumber of the two, but the more sturdy peasant stock she was made out of also made her a little more wily. Christine had employed a few tricks, but she had still suspected nothing at all when Adeline tried to make peace with her, offering to bury the hatchet. She had cried and hugged the other woman, sobbing about how hard it all was... and the moment Christine let her ground down, Adeline pinned her down and raped her to similar, but more genuine, tears.

Perhaps because of her noble birth, or perhaps simply because of the brutality with which Adeline fucked her senseless, Christine had never quite been the same after that. She lacked the willpower that she showed the first time, when being raped still seemed avoidable. Now that she had already succumbed to the indignity, her spirit faltered while Adeline’s self-preservation remained steady. Today was the third fight in a row where Elizabeth watched Adeline prevail and devastate her noble roommate... but the hatred in Christine’s eyes burned so brightly that Elizabeth could sense something was coming. Perhaps not this moment, perhaps not today, but sooner or later, she would teach the other redhead an unforgettable lesson in pain and dominance.

Until then, however, Elizabeth saw no reason to show her any mercy. The more she suffered, the greater the agony, the stronger her hatred.

Elizabeth's gaze was fixed on Adeline, who was now in full control of the situation. The strap-on she wore was a brutal instrument, its size and rigidity a stark contrast to the vulnerability of Christine's body beneath her. Adeline's movements were deliberate, each thrust calculated to maximize pain and humiliation.

"Adeline, are you hoping that I don't see you holding back?" Elizabeth said, her voice cold and commanding. "I do. And I have to warn you that if you do not take advantage of your triumphant position and act with the full extent of your power, then I will be forced to intervene and discipline you myself..."

The threat was enough to spur Adeline into even more aggressive action... Just remembering the way Elizabeth raped her was enough to get the redhead stammering. “N-No, Reverend Mother!” she shouted, gripping Christine's hips tighter. Then she yanked her back as hard as she could onto the strap-on with every forward motion. Christine's body jerked uncontrollably, her attempts to escape futile against Adeline's relentless assault. Her nails scraped desperately at the stone floor, leaving faint trails in the dust as if trying to find purchase in her agony. Bruises began to form where their knees pressed harshly against the unyielding surface, a testament to the violence of their interaction.

Tears streamed down Christine's face, mingling with the sweat that beaded on her forehead. The force of Adeline's thrusts choked off her sobs, each one driving the air from her lungs in a pitiful gasp. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the room, punctuated by the occasional sharp cry from Christine.

Elizabeth watched with a clinical interest, noting how Christine's resistance crumbled under the sustained attack. She resisted less... but her eyes only grew more filled with hatred and fiery rage behind the despair and pain. Adeline, on the other hand, seemed to thrive in her role as the aggressor, her face contorted in a mix of exertion and cruel satisfaction.

"That's it, Adeline," Elizabeth encouraged, her voice a soft whisper that carried across the room. "Show her what happens when someone dares to challenge you."

Adeline responded with a particularly vicious thrust, eliciting a strangled scream from Christine. The sound seemed to fuel her further, and she continued her assault with renewed vigor, each movement more forceful than the last.

As Elizabeth observed the scene, she felt a surge of pride in her ability to manipulate such raw emotions. This was more than just physical domination; it was a lesson in power and submission, played out in the most visceral way possible. And through it all, she remained the puppet master, pulling the strings that guided their actions and reactions.

And so, of course, it was right at that moment... right as things were just starting to escalate to a truly amazing show - that that bitch Ester decided to interrupt.

The dumb blonde bitch slammed open the door, shocking the room into silence as everyone turned their attention to her. The woman was nude as ever, of course, with nothing on but her headdress covering most of her hair... but what was she doing here? No one came down to the dungeons... no one but Alana, whoever Elizabeth dragged here, and Prudence, who was too stupid to know better. Everyone knew that this was a bad place, a dangerous place. "What is the meaning of this, Sister Ester?" Elizabeth snapped, her voice cracking like a whip.

Ester's gaze flicked over the two naked women, frozen in the act of one raping the other with a vicious wooden cock. That wouldn't have been a surprise for Ester... she had seen plenty of examples of Elizabeth's methods for breaking and punishing "supposed lesbians" among the sisters. By now, every sister in the convent knew what the score was between Adeline and Christine - the degree of their enmity for one another was impossible to hide, and their shrieks and sobs would often echo throughout the whole convent. Even so, her face twisted in anger and disgust. “Adeline!” Ester said. “Stop this at once! Get off of her and get away from that woman!”

“'That Woman' is Reverend Mother Sylvia," Elizabeth bit off, her eyes narrowing. "You have no authority to intervene in my punishment, Sister.”

Ester turned to her with hardened eyes. Though she was older than the novitiates, her tanned skill was still soft and healthy and almost carried a holy glow to it. Even her eyes blazed with an icy intensity that showed her as a true zealot. Elizabeth had spent many hours giving thought to how she would bring the crazed cunt down. How exactly she would teach her a lesson. Ester, it seemed, might be about to force her hand.

Ester's eyes blazed with a fierce determination as she faced Elizabeth, her voice trembling with anger and righteousness. "I know the truth, 'Reverend Mother,'" she spat the title with disdain. "I've been in the library, checking the records. You are not Reverend Mother Sylvia. You're a fake, an imposter!"

Elizabeth's calm demeanor faltered for a moment, her eyes flickering with surprise before hardening once more. She hadn't expected Ester to delve so deeply into the convent's history, to question her identity so openly. The room fell silent; the only sound Adeline and Christine's heavy breathing. “You overstep,” said Elizabeth, feeling genuine rage for once. Her voice was low and dangerous. "Do you have any idea what you're saying? Do you understand the consequences of your words?"

Ester stood firm, her chin raised defiantly. "My heart commands me to intervene!" she hissed. "For months, I have watched you... you...” she stuttered. As her disgust rose, she struggled to find the right words for her ranting. "You... sink your teeth into these poor girls! You say that what you do is for God, yet you do the work of the devil. You have us walk around naked like whores. You force these poor young girls to engage in unholy bodily acts. I know the truth! You are–"

 The two redheads moved their gazes hopefully between Elizabeth and Ester, uncertain... wondering this what she was saying was true.

Bloody hell, thought Elizabeth. She might actually be in trouble. She rose, slowly moving just a little so that she could see all three women at the same time. Those two dumb sluts just might be desperate enough to listen to her, and if that was the case... Elizabeth might be tough, but she wasn't armed, and there were three of them. If they confronted her, this could get messy. Then-

Ester's voice grew more fervent, her accusations taking on a wild, almost manic edge. "I know the truth! You are the succubus haunting this convent! The demon spreading this vile lust among us!" She opened her hand, revealing the cross that she was clutching, and Ester brandished it like a weapon. Her voice rose as she began to chant her prayers. "Begone, foul creature! Flee from God's light and burn in the righteous fire!"

Elizabeth, for a moment, stood there with wide eyes that probably made her look panicked. Really, though, for a moment, her mind refused even to process the accusation... it took her a moment to realize what Ester was saying. Then, slowly, the wrong conclusion that the nun had come to dawned on her, and Elizabeth had to work to hide her smile. The succubus? Ester knew that she was a fraud, and she concluded that Elizabeth was the succubus? The idea was absurd... Elizabeth had made the demon up, a convenient excuse to justify her action... but even after she realized that Elizabeth was a liar, she still believed in the demon?

The faithful could be so stupid sometimes... and combining how utterly sincere the blonde nun was in her delusions with Elizabeth suddenly spotting the open door behind Ester, a wicked idea sparked to life. This was just the opportunity she needed.

Elizabeth cringed dramatically, shielding her face with her arms as if the mere sight of the cross caused her pain. "Aaah, your faith... it burns!" she cried out, her voice an eerie mimicry of what one might expect from a tormented demon. "Get that away from me!"

Emboldened, Ester stepped forward, the cross held high, her prayers growing louder and more insistent. "Flee, demon!" she said, taking another few steps closer. "I expel you! You are not welcome in the light of God! Leave this place! Leave this place, and never retur-!"

Seizing the perfect moment, Elizabeth dropped her act, her expression morphing from feigned agony to cold amusement. With a swift motion, she lunged forward, her fist connecting solidly with Ester's jaw. The nun staggered back, stunned, as Elizabeth followed up with a sharp kick to her stomach, pushing her further away. "You pathetic fool," Elizabeth sneered, taking a step towards the disoriented Ester... and very aware of the staring eyes of the two redheads on her. "Do you really think your weak faith could ever stand against me?"

Ester was a fit woman... Elizabeth had confidence in herself, but Ester would be able to put up a fight. Thankfully, there was no need to fight a battle when the false sister had already won the war. As Ester tried to regain her footing, gasping for breath, Alana came up behind her, having emerged from the other room in the dungeon where she had been busy playing with her sister. The blond woman looked different, and both Christine and Adeline stared at her, eyes wide... she looked confident, with a rosy glow on her face and eyes dilated wide from the pleasure she had no doubt just been stealing from Catherine. More telling, however, was the fact that she was wearing clothing. For months Elizabeth had been the only one in this whole convent wearing a habit... and now Alana had one too, marking her membership of the ruling order here.

With a deft movement, she looped a rope around Ester's neck, pulling tight. Ester choked, her hands clawing at the constricting rope, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal. "No one challenges the Reverend Mother," Alana hissed.

Elizabeth smiled, taking a moment to flick her gaze over the two redheads and watching them cower away from the "demoness" that now ruled over them. "No weak slut of a nun has the strength to condemn me," Elizabeth repeated, her voice dripping with disdain as she watched Alana tighten the noose. "And certainly not one as deluded as you." Elizabeth was still infuriated by Ester's reveal of her ruse before the confidence woman was ready, but at the same time, she was flushed with the sense of victory as she glared at the two redheads. “And you two... do you dare question my authority?

"N-No, Reverend Mother!" Adeline gasped, her eyes wide and wild. The woman clearly wasn't sure if she was looking at the domineering Mother Superior she had been dealing with or the lustful lesbian succubus they had been taught to fear... and the dumb redhead just as clearly wasn't sure of which she should fear more.

"Then why," Elizabeth said with a sneer, "have you pulled your strapon out of that slut?"

Adeline might not have even realized that she let the wooden cock slip free, but she definitely realized it now. Elizabeth was treated to the sound of Christine screaming as the vicious thing was plunged all the way to the base in an instant. "Much better," the dark-haired woman purred. "Now fuck her bloody for me. If I come back and the whore is still capable of standing up, then by Satan's fiery throne, I will give you a preview of what Hell looks like."

One redhead began raping the other more viciously and desperately still, but Elizabeth put that out of her mind... she had other, more important concerns.

Elizabeth stepped up to where Ester was struggling to get free of Alana's chokehold, her eyes gleaming with a mix of fury and sadistic pleasure. She wasted no time in unleashing her rage on the defiant nun. With swift, brutal punches, she targeted different vulnerable spots on Ester's body, each blow landing with a sickening thud that echoed off the stone walls. Ester's head snapped back as her fist crashed against the nun's cheek, letting out a weak, choked, croaking noise.

Ester, desperate to protect herself, raised her free hands in a feeble attempt to block the blows. However, Elizabeth was too quick and cunning; wherever Ester managed to shield, she simply redirected her strikes elsewhere. A punch landed heavily on Ester's stomach, causing her to stagger... she would have doubled over were it not for Alana's grip on her. Another punch found its mark on her thigh, eliciting a sharp cry of pain. Yet another vicious strike connected with Ester's face, snapping her head back violently. Each hit echoed ominously off the stone walls, underscoring the relentless nature of Elizabeth's assault.

Elizabeth's eyes gleamed with sadistic delight as she shifted her focus to Ester's modest breasts, the sight of them ripe for her brutal attention. With a wicked grin, she drew back her fist and delivered a series of powerful blows directly into the soft flesh. Each impact sent ripples cascading across Ester's chest, hitting her hard enough that even her smaller, firmer breasts jiggled uncontrollably under the relentless assault. Ester's choked gasps and whimpers punctuated the sound of flesh meeting flesh, her body jerking with each strike despite Alana's tight hold.

"Oh, how they quiver and shake," Elizabeth taunted, her voice dripping with malicious glee. "Just look at them, bouncing under my fists like ripe fruit ready to burst." She increased the force of her punches, relishing the way Ester's breasts turned a deep shade of red, bruises already beginning to form in the dim light of the dungeon.

Ester's face contorted in agony, tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggled to breathe through the pain radiating from her chest. Her hands flailed uselessly, trying to protect herself, but Elizabeth was too quick, too determined to inflict maximum suffering. "Can't even defend yourself, can you?" Elizabeth sneered, delivering another vicious punch that made Ester's entire upper body shudder. The nun's wheezes turned into desperate, guttural sounds as Elizabeth continued her merciless attack. Each blow seemed to echo the cruel satisfaction in Elizabeth's heart, her own arousal growing with every moan and cry from her victim. "You thought you could challenge me? Look at you now, Ester... nothing but a pathetic, beaten whore," Elizabeth hissed, punctuating her words with a particularly hard strike that left Ester's breast quivering violently.

Ester hung limply in Alana's grip, her chest heaving with ragged breaths. Her breasts were a mass of bruised and battered flesh. Elizabeth stepped back for just a second, admiring the damage she had inflicted... then she turned her attention to an even more vulnerable target. She slid back another half a step, positioning herself for maximum impact, and then drove her knee hard up between Ester's legs. The first strike elicited a muffled cry from Ester, her eyes watering from the sharp pain. Elizabeth did not relent, delivering two more punishing blows to the same spot, each one harder than the last. By the third knee strike, Ester's struggles ceased, her body going limp in Alana's hold.

Breathing heavily from her exertion, Elizabeth straightened up and smoothed out her habit, her expression one of cold satisfaction. "Well done, Alana," she praised, her voice calm once more. "You handled that perfectly."

Alana's breath was heavy, her chest rapidly rising and falling as she held Ester up by the neck. Her eyes were bright, a feverish excitement dancing within them as she glanced back at Elizabeth. "Thank you, Reverend Mother," she panted, her voice thick with arousal. "I live to serve you." Her submission was palpable, her body language open and inviting, clearly signaling her willingness to obey any command Elizabeth might give. The thrill of participating in the takedown of Ester, coupled with the adrenaline from the violence, had left her flushed and eager for more. She really was coming along so nicely... already, Elizabeth could barely see a trace of the innocent girl that she had been when her new mistress had arrived at the convent and decided to reshape her. Within a few more months of this, there would be nothing left at all.

She took a breath, considering. "Now... I'm sure you were... educating... your sister about her new place in the world, but it appears we have other obligations," Elizabeth observed. "Go put your sister away for now... Lock her in her cage. We have to welcome our newest project."

If Alana was disappointed about her obviously interrupted quest for an orgasm or being told to put her pleasure doll away, she didn't let it show on her face. Instead, the angelic blonde nodded obediently, dragging Ester's limp body toward the room she had come from. "Anything for you, Reverend Mother," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I am yours to command."

Elizbeth followed the other woman, leaving the screaming novice and her hateful rapist behind with no doubts they would continue. A few seconds later, Elizabeth stood in the dungeon's other room with Alana at her side and Ester’s passed-out body lying at their feet. Catherine was still there too, locked up in a cage where Alana had stuffed her, a gag of dirty black cloth stuffed into her mouth. She watched with a horrified gaze, her eyes red from crying. Elizabeth hoped that the little dyke-hater was going to enjoy the show.

Alana was focused on Ester, her eyes sweeping across the mature nun's body with genuine interest as her long-repressed lesbian desires were finally encouraged. Elizabeth fully understood why her pupil felt the way she did. While Ester lacked the youthful vibrance Alana and her sister possessed, a lifelong commitment to God, healthy eating, and athleticism perfectly hardened her body. She was a woman who had taken care of herself, purposefully or otherwise, and looked younger than she was while simultaneously exuding an aura of authority.

"We will have to punish Sister Ester severely," Elizabeth said. "After the accusations she made, she deserves to be destroyed utterly for daring to speak to me in such a way." Her voice softened slightly, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "But I am not a vengeful type, as you well know. My heart is much too soft. So we must be gentle at first."

Alana chuckled softly.

Elizabeth turned to Alana, her voice commanding. "Attach chains and cuffs to Ester's wrists and ankles; restrain her."

Alana nodded, her movements precise as she secured the chains. "Yes, Mistress," she replied, her voice firm with obedience. Elizabeth's pupil did the job expertly. Without being told, she applied the bonds, testing their length to make sure that Ester's body was still open enough for them to reach it and abuse it. The chains rattled ominously as they were fastened, each sound resonating off the stone walls, intensifying the dungeon's oppressive atmosphere.

With Ester now restrained, Elizabeth stepped back, admiring their handiwork. "Now, let us begin her lesson," she purred, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Let us see how Sister Ester fares when faced with true discipline."

Elizabeth's fingers deftly unfastened the habit, her movements deliberate and smooth. As the fabric peeled away from her body, it glided over her breasts, momentarily emphasizing their full, firm contours. Her skin, pale and flawless, seemed to glow in the dim light of the dungeon as the habit pooled at her feet.

Her arousal was palpable, a tangible heat that radiated from her core. The sight of Ester, defeated and restrained, only fueled her desire... stoking the flames of her lust into an inferno. The thrill of victory, having faced the danger of exposure and defeat, only heightened her excitement. Her pussy was not just dripping; it was awash with a torrent of wetness, each pulse of her heart sending a surge of arousal through her. She reveled in the sensation, the raw, carnal pleasure of dominance and submission playing out before her.

Elizabeth's eyes, dark and intense, scanned Ester's prone form, taking in every detail of her vulnerability. A wicked smile curved her lips as she considered. Ester was a fool... Elizabeth hadn't even been planning to do anything today to make the other woman miserable. But then she had to go and interfere and deny Elizabeth her pleasure. She had been planning to make both Adeline and Christine lick her cunt together after they were done... so that meant she was owed at least two orgasms from this icy whore. As a start.

"Alana," Elizabeth commanded, her voice cold and authoritative. "Awaken our guest." As she spoke, she cast a sidelong glance at Catherine, whose eyes were wide with terror. "I hope you're taking note of the transformation in your little sister — her newfound strength and freedom. Now that I let her be who she always wanted to be, she's much happier... don't you think?"

Alana positioned herself behind the unconscious Ester, her movements deliberate and precise. She leaned in, her tongue flicking out to taste the nun's pussy for the first time. The room was silent except for the soft sound of licking and the occasional clink of chains as Ester's body twitched involuntarily in response to the sensation.

Elizabeth watched with a predatory gaze, her mind racing with thoughts of Alana's skills. Over the months, she had trained Alana well, each night refining her technique until her tongue became a weapon of pleasure and control. Elizabeth knew every stroke, every flick that Alana could perform, having felt them all on her own flesh. She remembered the first time Alana had hesitantly touched her with that tentative tongue and how far she had come since then—now confident, eager, and utterly devoted to her new role.

As Alana continued, her tongue worked expertly, exploring every fold and crevice of Ester's pussy. She varied her strokes, sometimes slow and teasing, other times fast and insistent, driving her tongue deep within. Despite being unconscious, Ester's body still betrayed her with small, involuntary movements. Her hips jerked slightly, a low moan escaping her lips as if her body remembered what pleasure felt like, even if her mind did not.

After several minutes, Alana paused, her breath heavy, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She looked up at Elizabeth, seeking approval or instruction. Elizabeth nodded subtly, a silent command to proceed. Alana then balled her hand into a fist, her knuckles pressing against Ester's wet, swollen cunt. She glanced back at Elizabeth once more, who gave another nod, this time more assertive.

Alana, with a determined glint in her eye, positioned her fist at the entrance of Ester's pussy. She didn't rush immediately; instead, she applied steady pressure, watching as Ester's body tensed in response to the intrusion. Slowly, deliberately, Alana began to push forward, her knuckles stretching the sensitive flesh. Ester's body reacted instinctively, her hips bucking and twisting in an attempt to evade the painful invasion.

As Alana's fist inched deeper, Ester's consciousness snapped back to her tortured body. Her eyes flew open wide with shock and pain, and a piercing scream tore from her throat. Her body writhed violently against the chains that bound her, each movement sending a jingle through the cold metal. The sound of her agony echoed off the stone walls, mingling with the harsh breaths of her tormentors.

"Please, no!" Ester cried out, her voice hoarse and desperate. Her attempts to escape were futile; the restraints held her firmly in place, ensuring every motion only aggravated her suffering. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the sweat that beaded on her forehead, as she continued to plead for mercy that would not come.

Elizabeth watched the scene unfold with a twisted sense of satisfaction, her arousal growing as she witnessed Ester's degradation. This wasn't the way a fisting was supposed to go. You were supposed to work your way slowly inside and then form a fist once within... but the truth was that Elizabeth didn't especially care how much Ester got hurt. "Keep going, Alana," she commanded, her voice cool and composed despite the heat pooling between her legs. "Show her what happens when someone dares to challenge us."

Alana obeyed without hesitation, her fist continuing its relentless advance until it was fully embedded within Ester's violated body. Each twist and pull of her hand caused Ester to shriek anew, her cries echoing through the dungeon, a testament to the brutal lesson being taught.

Elizabeth stepped over Ester, her full breasts and dark hair dangling as she loomed above the restrained nun. Her green eyes shone with a hunger that was both predatory and calculating. "You should have kept your mouth shut, Ester," she hissed, her voice a cold whisper that seemed to slice through the air.

Ester, despite her pain, found the strength to curse out Elizabeth, her words laced with venom. "You are a demon! A devil in disguise!" she spat, her voice ragged from screaming.

Just as Ester's tirade reached its peak, an especially powerful stab forward from Alana's hand caused her to let loose a piercing scream that filled the air and cut her off abruptly. The sound echoed off the stone walls, adding an eerie layer to the already tense atmosphere.

Alana, smiling and obviously enjoying the suffering of the other nun, continued her brutal assault on Ester with mechanical precision. She fistfucked the tight cunt with clockwork consistency, each thrust calculated and relentless and in perfect time. Her eyes were steely and focused, fixated on the painful point where Ester's lips stretched around her wrist as if she were a craftsman perfecting her art.

"There will be pain," Elizabeth smirked, her voice dripping with sadistic pleasure. "Lots of pain."

"You are no nun... no Reverend Mother! You are the Devil! The Devil," Ester repeated, her voice trembling with fear and anger.

Elizabeth snorted dismissively. "Yes... something like that... but I am certainly your Reverend Mother, and you will treat me as such. To you, I must be like your mother, sister, and goddess, all wrapped into one."

Ester's eyes widened in horror, her voice breaking as she protested, "This... this is sacrilege! Do you dare to compare yourself to the Almighty? You are nothing but a demonic imposter!" Her body strained against the chains, each movement an attempt to distance herself from the nightmare unfolding. "God will punish you for this blasphemy!" she cried out, her voice echoing off the stone walls, mingling with the sounds of her pain and Alana's relentless assault.

Elizabeth's laughter echoed off the stone walls, a chilling sound that underscored her mockery. "Do not worry; I will provide you with some distraction from your torment. I will give you what you deserve..." she taunted, her voice dripping with dark amusement.

As she spoke, Elizabeth slowly lowered herself down, her dripping pussy drifting closer to Ester’s face. The blonde nun looked away from the beautiful lips that shone with fiery passion in the torchlight. “Get away from me! Your soul will burn in hell for this! Think of your eternal life!” Ester cried out, her voice filled with desperation and disgust.

The first drop of pussyjuice spilled just next to her nose. Ester made a face of disgust and began to shake violently, moving from side to side, writhing against the ropes that held her trapped in any way that might offer her salvation. “Drink up,” Elizabeth said with dark amusement.

The moment her heated cunt touched Ester’s face, the nun's mouth tightened up, her lips sealed. Only her unyielding blue eyes remained visible; the rest of her face was buried beneath Elizabeth's groin. Elizabeth warned her that this resistance would only make it worse for her. After all, her resistance had been foreseen, and Alana already knew how to deal with it. She told Alana to proceed.

As Alana continued to fistfuck Ester’s cunt, her free hand moved underneath the tight body that went on writhing and grinding against the tight tanned ass. A single finger moved between Ester's ass cheeks, caressing her asscrack as it searched for its destination, and that alone seemed enough to strike the fear of God into the older nun.

“What did I tell you?” Elizabeth said with a mocking smirk. “You only make it harder for yourself.”

The moment Alana's finger pushed into Ester's ass, her whole face scrunched together in agony. A suppressed groan came out from her still-sealed lips, muffled by Elizabeth's crotch. Elizabeth, enjoying the sight of Ester's torment, leaned closer, her voice a whisper of command. "Alana, go harder. Don't relent until the uppity nun screams!"

Alana nodded, her expression one of focused determination as she pushed her finger deeper into Ester's tight, resisting ass. Tears welled up in Ester's normally defiant blue eyes, tears of pain and humiliation that traced lines down her cheeks. Elizabeth imagined that Ester could have never imagined a woman raping her up her ass. Even in her worst nightmares, she probably imagined that being raped would be by a man, and only in her pussy. For the sapphicly-fearful woman, this was so much worse.

"Scream," Elizabeth coaxed, her fingers gently caressing Ester's straw-colored hair. "Go on. Open your mouth and scream for me. Alana... harder!"

With a nod, Alana increased the pressure, twisting her finger inside Ester's violated ass. The pain became unbearable, and Ester jerked her head backward, managing to get her mouth partly away from Elizabeth's cunt. Her scream echoed through the dungeon, raw and filled with anguish. "Stop! Please, stop this! You must not d-!"

Ester's body trembled under the dual assault, her mind reeling from the humiliation and pain. As Elizabeth slid forward across her face, Ester tried to shut her mouth, but this time, her lips did not seal as tightly as before. Elizabeth's voice cut through the air, cold and commanding. "Keep your fucking mouth open and lick me," she ordered, gripping Ester's head firmly. Her thumbs pressed under Ester's blue eyes, her pointed nails glinting menacingly. "Do it, or I'll press my nails into your oh-so-pretty blue eyes, and you can live out the rest of your days as a helpless, blind sex toy. Do not doubt me, Sister. I will do it."

The threat, combined with the relentless pain from Alana's fisting of her pussy and ass, was too much for Ester. Her lips violently trembled as they parted in reluctant submission to Elizabeth, though her tongue did remain withdrawn deep in her mouth.

Elizabeth grinned wickedly, pleased with Ester's submission. That was acceptable for now; Ester's stubbornness was amusing, if futile. As Alana increased the speed of her fisting, Elizabeth mirrored the motion with her own grinding hips, rubbing her wet, slippery cunt all over Ester's defeated face, smearing her juices across the nun's skin. "You wanted this, didn't you? I should have seen that you were a sinner all along. You filthy whore. This was what you desired, wasn't it?"

Tears welled up in Ester's eyes, and she sniffled, shaking her head vehemently to deny such an accusation. But Elizabeth was relentless, uncaring of Ester's protests. She continued to mock her, her voice dripping with disdain. "You have sinned. You are a sinner. You are a whore. You wanted to be in this position, did you not? You wanted to be punished. This is what you dreamed of."

A deeply pained sob escaped Ester, fresh tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Yes... I see you. The real you..." Elizabeth leaned closer, her breath hot against Ester's face. "Stick your tongue out, you whore... I said stick your tongue out! If this is what you wanted, this is what you'll get. Do what you're told, or I swear, I'll have Alana stretch your ass so wide you will never be able to hold your shit in ever again."

The threat was enough to override Ester’s reluctance. She stretched out her tongue, the tip trembling as it made contact with Elizabeth's pussy. The moment Ester's zealous tongue touched her, Elizabeth shuddered and let out a gasp of pleasure. It felt so good that she reached up to squeeze her breasts, massaging the soft flesh between her fingers as she rode the hot nub, lovingly caressing the nun’s unwilling lips. Elizabeth looked down at her victim, certain that Ester was praying for God to intervene and save her... But no one could help her now. Elizabeth was stronger than her god.

"Stick your tongue out further," Elizabeth commanded, her voice thick with desire. "Further. Further!" Each word was punctuated by a thrust of her hips, grinding herself against Ester's face. Frustrated by Ester's lackluster submission, Elizabeth looked to Alana. "Stuff another finger into the rebellious bitch's ass," she ordered, her eyes never leaving Ester's contorted face.

Ester’s desperate scream of denial could be heard for a moment before she stuck her tongue in as far into Elizabeth as it would go, her body writhing under the dual assault.

The sensation of Ester's tongue, despite its reluctance, was exquisite. Each hesitant stroke sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Elizabeth's body, amplifying her arousal to new heights. The thrill of dominating Ester, of forcing the defiant nun into such a humiliating and submissive act, fueled Elizabeth's lust like nothing else could. She reveled in the power she held over Ester, the control that allowed her to dictate every movement, every breath. As Ester's tongue ventured deeper, exploring the wet folds of Elizabeth's pussy with increasing compliance, Elizabeth felt a surge of triumph. This was more than just physical pleasure; it was the intoxicating taste of victory, the sweet satisfaction of breaking someone who had dared to challenge her. With each lap of Ester's tongue, Elizabeth's dominance was affirmed, her authority reestablished in the most primal way.

Elizabeth's hips moved in rhythm with Ester's licks, grinding against the nun's face with increasing urgency. Her hands gripped Ester's head, holding her still as she moved her hips over her face... ensuring every lick landed exactly where she wanted it. The room filled with the sounds of Elizabeth's breathing, the pummeling noise of Alana's fist in Ester's cunt, and the slick noises of Ester's forced ministrations... the sounds forming an exquisite symphony of destruction and submission.

The intensity of Elizabeth's impending orgasm built rapidly, a tidal wave of pleasure that threatened to consume her. She could feel every muscle in her body tensing, preparing for the explosive release. Ester's tongue, now working with a desperate efficiency under the threat of further punishment, pushed Elizabeth closer to the edge. "Yes, just like that," Elizabeth hissed, her voice thick with desire. "Make your goddess cum you weak, infidel whore!" With a final, forceful grind against Ester's face, Elizabeth's orgasm crashed over her. Wave after wave of pleasure radiated from her core, overwhelming her senses. She cried out, a sound that was equal parts ecstasy and command, as she rode the peak of her climax. Her body shuddered violently, every nerve alight with the raw, unfiltered pleasure of her victory.

Ester was forced to watch Elizabeth from below in all her glory, condemned to her fate as little more than a fucktoy. Elizabeth relished the judgment she could still see in those defeated blue eyes, watching as Elizabeth's orgasm let her ascend to heaven while the vanquished nun was trapped down in hell. "You're enjoying this. You filthy slut," she taunted, barely keeping from laughing as the panted her way through the final shocks of her orgasm. She pinched Ester's nose, closing it off and making it difficult for the blonde to breathe. "Now, I didn't say you were done! Keep licking! Keep going!"

Ester, however, quickly ran out of breath. Her head began to jerk this way and that, seeking a gulp of air. "Did I say you deserve to breathe, Sister?" Elizabeth asked mockingly. "Have you not read our holy books? The are demons everywhere... including in the air. Lick, instead... Lick!"

Ester, however, still wasn't doing as she was commanded. Perhaps the blonde nun was sensing that her humiliation had gone too far, or perhaps she was just too panicked and desperate for air even to recognize the command. Either way, Elizabeth didn't care—having a new reason to punish the woman was fine by her.

Elizabeth's voice was a sultry command, her words dripping with dark intent. "Alright, Alana, we need to escalate this. It's time for the next phase." As she spoke, she began to rise from Ester's face, strands of saliva connecting her glistening pussy to the nun's lips. The strings stretched, shimmering in the dim light, before finally snapping with a faint, wet sound.

With each movement, Elizabeth's body exuded a predatory grace, her hips slightly swaying as she stepped back from Ester. Her eyes never left the restrained nun, watching as Ester gasped for air, her chest heaving with desperate breaths. "Sister Ester, Sister Ester," Elizabeth said with a click of her tongue, her tone mocking yet instructive. "Refusing to do what I told you so you can breathe? I do believe you just tried to kill yourself. Isn't that a mortal sin, Sister?" Elizabeth chuckled, shaking her head... her sweat-soaked hair swaying softly back and forth. "Resisting me only prolongs your suffering, Sister. You should have learned that by now."

Alana pulled her fist and fingers out of the exhausted nun. Ester was stronger than the slight girl was, but she was too confused, exhausted, and pained to put up a fight, and Alana effortlessly flipped her over onto her belly. She moaned as her bruised breasts pressed against the stone floor, and then again when Elizabeth seized her by the locks and sat down before her, dragged Ester's face back to her cunt. "You’ll lick now. I promise you that. Not only that, but you’ll lick and lap at it like a dog. Do you know why?"

As she spoke, Alana spread the tan ass before her with one hand and brought two fingers together. She slipped them into Ester’s throbbing asshole as it struggled to close, stretched it open again without mercy, and added another finger into the mix just to add some misery.

Ester's eyes rolled back as the sharp pain seized her, her voice breaking as she pleaded, "Please, Sister Alana! Stop! I can't bear it!" Her words were choked with desperation, her body trembling under the relentless assault.

Alana, however, showed no mercy. Her expression was cold and determined as she pushed another finger into Ester's ass, stretching the tight ring of muscle further. "You should have obeyed," Alana replied, her voice devoid of sympathy.

Ester's cries grew louder, her face contorted in agony. "No more, please! It hurts too much! You don't have to obey her! She's not the Sister Superior!" she sobbed, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Each thrust of Alana's fingers sent a jolt of pain through her, making her writhe against the unyielding stone beneath her. "She's a fake! She's a fake!"

"What has god ever done for me?" Alana asked, her voice a husky whimper. "She is my goddess now... and that's much more important than some pathetic Reverand Mother to an uncaring god!"

Elizabeth laughed. "You see? I don't even need to touch you to make you obey me, Ester. I'm your goddess now... and my angel, your former sister, is going to force you to make me cum again, and again, and again, and again... Pleasing me is, from now on, the only way to make up for your sins."

Alana's eyes narrowed with determination as she pushed in a fourth finger, then a fifth, stretching Ester's asshole to its limits. Ester's scream pierced the air, a sound of pure agony that echoed off the cold stone walls of the dungeon. Her body convulsed violently as all of the younger woman's hand finally fit into her violated ass, causing her to arch her back and cry out in pain.

"Please... please stop!" Ester begged, her voice hoarse from screaming. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the sweat and other fluids that coated her skin. Her breaths were ragged, each one punctuated by a sob or a whimper. Alana, however, showed no signs of relenting. Instead, she clenched her hand into a fist within Ester's violated ass, making it seem even larger and more intrusive. The sudden pressure caused Ester to shriek anew, her body convulsing against the unyielding stone beneath her. Each movement only served to exacerbate the pain as Alana twisted and turned her fist, ensuring every inch of her hand was felt deeply within Ester's most private depths.

Alana took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she seemed to draw in the sounds of Ester's whimpering and crying. The air was thick with the scent of fear and pain, a heady mix that fueled her determination. Her eyes locked onto Ester's contorted face, watching as each tear and each gasp for air painted a picture of utter despair.

With a sudden, violent motion, Alana punched forward, driving her fist as far into Ester's ass as it would go. The layers of muscle and tissue muffled the sound of flesh meeting flesh, but the impact was clear in Ester's agonized scream. Again, Alana repeated the motion, her arm pistoning with brutal efficiency. Each thrust sent a shockwave of pain through Ester, her body jerking uncontrollably against the restraints.

Again and again, Alana raped Ester's ass with her fist, each punch more forceful than the last. Ester's screams turned into guttural, animalistic sounds, her voice raw from the constant abuse. Her body was slick with sweat, her muscles straining against the chains that held her immobile. The room echoed with the sounds of her suffering, a symphony of torment orchestrated by Alana's relentless assault. "Stop! Stop! STOOOP! GOD PLEASE, STOP IT!"

Elizabeth watched the scene unfold with a predatory grin, leaning back on her elbows and keeping her legs spread. Her arousal was growing with each of Alana's vicious thrusts, but she didn't move, didn't do a thing. “What did I say, Sister? What did I warn you about?” The false Mother Superior chuckled. "There is only one way this stops."

Elizabeth watched with a mix of fascination and cruel satisfaction as Ester's resolve crumbled. The once defiant nun now dragged herself forward, her knees scraping against the rough stone floor, desperate to reach Elizabeth's cunt. Her movements were jerky, driven by pain and the need to escape the relentless assault on her ass by Alana's fist... but at last she pressed her tongue against her goddess's clit.

A memory flickered in Elizabeth's mind. For a brief time in her childhood, before her father had raped her, they had had a dog. That old thing had been a lively creature... Each morning always brought an exuberant display of affection. The dog would lick anyone within reach, its tail wagging furiously, trying to show its love and receive attention in return. Elizabeth remembered thinking how this animal's need to be loved was the most desperate thing she had ever seen.

Now, as she observed Ester, her former adversary, reduced to a state of utter submission, licking her cunt with an even greater sense of frantic desperation, Elizabeth felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. This once proud and defiant nun was now behaving no better than that eager, loving dog from her childhood. The comparison amused and aroused her.

Ester's face pressed against Elizabeth's wetness, her tongue darting out in frantic, desperate licks. Each movement was accompanied by a muffled groan or scream, her body convulsing from the dual torments of Alana's brutal fisting and her own forced submission. "Yes, just like that," Elizabeth murmured, her voice soft yet commanding. "Show me how much you want to please me. Lick me like your life depends on it."

Alana, meanwhile, continued her merciless assault. Her face set in a mask of determination, she drove her fist into the vulnerable woman again and again. Each thrust of her fist into Ester's violated ass was deliberate and forceful, driving the older nun deeper into her desperate submission for even a scrap of mercy. The sound of flesh pounding against flesh mixed with Ester's cries, creating a symphony of suffering that only fueled Elizabeth's arousal.

Elizabeth leaned back, allowing Ester better access to her cunt, her eyes never leaving the defeated nun. "I always knew you were a bitch, Ester," she cooed, her voice dripping with dark amusement. "Lick me like the good little dog you are. Show me how much you want to please your goddess."

Ester's licking grew more frantic, her desperation palpable. Ester, driven by the relentless pain inflicted by Alana and the overwhelming need to escape her torment, obeyed without hesitation. Her tongue worked furiously, mimicking the desperate actions of the dog Elizabeth remembered... each lick a plea for mercy and acceptance. She seemed to have lost all sense of dignity, her entire being focused on obeying Elizabeth's commands in a futile attempt to lessen her agony.

As Elizabeth watched the scene unfold, a surge of power coursed through her. The domineering woman could barely begin to imagine the sheer mind-breaking agony exacted on Ester—but wasn’t that the point? She could only imagine it, because she would never have to endure it herself. These fantasies were only there to be exacted on others for her pleasure, a cruel reminder of the absolute dominion she wielded over those weaker than her. This was true control, the ability to break someone so completely that they would do anything to escape the torment. It was intoxicating, and she reveled in it, her own pleasure building with each pitiful lick from Ester's tongue.

Every moment that passed drove Ester closer and closer to something resembling madness. Elizabeth was amused that all of Ester's religious zeal had apparently been turned into a slut’s fiery ardor as her tongue worked on Elizabeth’s pussy, lovingly stroking the lips, slurping up the juices, and diving in deep to find every unexplored inch to kiss with the tip of her tongue. The fact that Elizabeth was experiencing such pleasure while Ester was tortured and in agony only made it more beautiful.

Behind her, Alana was relentless, pummeling Ester like she wanted to break her in two. Like magic, that intensity made its way up Ester’s spine and seemed almost to electrify the tip of her slaving tongue. Elizabeth wondered if this was just loyalty or if Alana had been harboring this much secret resentment for the veteran sister all along and was only now finally being given an opportunity to let it out. Either way, it was fine with her.

Once again, Elizabeth smiled, amazed at the transformation of the innocent, shy young girl she had taken to bed on her first night here. The angelic blonde, who had seemed too scared to swat a fly, was now breaking apart the more mature nun’s asshole and ravaging it so savagely that she might destroy it forever. Soon, it seemed, Alana would be more monstrous than even Cecilia was... and unlike the violent brunette, she would be under Elizabeth's control. A pet monster on a leash. Ester never stood a chance against her pupil.

Elizabeth almost felt bad for how Ester had been reduced to a groaning, dumb animal who could only lick at her pussy.


As her second orgasm approached, Elizabeth's control began to slip. Her head dropped back, her eyes rolling in ecstasy as she gasped, "You will... have to think... of how to be better... Sister..." Sharp intakes of breath punctuated the words, each one a step closer to the edge.

Ester, driven by desperation and the relentless assault from Alana, licked with an enthusiasm that bordered on frantic. Each stroke of her tongue was a plea for mercy, a desperate attempt to please the woman who held her fate in her hands. The sound of Ester's slurping mixed with the wet, squelching noises coming from her violated ass, creating a symphony of degradation and submission.

Elizabeth's body tensed, every muscle coiled as she neared the peak. With a sudden, forceful motion, she grabbed a handful of Ester's hair and yanked her head back, pulling her face even deeper into her cunt. The action was both a demand for more and a release of the tension building within her.

The dungeon echoed with Elizabeth's cries of pleasure, the sounds of her ecstasy bouncing off the stone walls and mingling with the groans and whimpers of her victim. It was a stark contrast, the joy of one amplified by the suffering of another. Elizabeth's orgasm crashed over her, waves of pleasure radiating from her core and consuming her entirely. She screamed, the sound raw and unrestrained, a testament to the intensity of her release.

Elizabeth had had a lot of sex in her life, and she knew that there were orgasms, and then there were orgasms. Elizabeth knew and could feel with every fiber of her being that this fell into the latter category. Few things in her life had ever felt as good as this.

As the tremors subsided, Elizabeth's grip on Ester's hair loosened, allowing the defeated nun to collapse forward, her face still buried in the aftermath of Elizabeth's climax. Elizabeth fell backward, panting in a desperate effort to catch her breath, her glowing breasts rising and falling along with her violent gasps. “Fuck… That’s…”

A moment later, Elizabeth cracked up, her laughter intensifying with every moment. The sound was a mix of triumph and derision, echoing off the cold stone walls of the dungeon. It was a stark contrast to the moans and whimpers still emanating from Ester, who lay defeated and panting on the floor.

As the laughter subsided, Elizabeth's body finally stopped convulsing from the force of her orgasm. Alana, ever attentive, stepped forward to lend her a hand and help her up. Elizabeth noticed that Alana had withdrawn her fist slowly from Ester's ravaged ass and offered her the other hand. "Reverend Mother. Are you well?" she asked, her voice laced with concern but also a hint of admiration for the display of power she had just witnessed.

"Quite well, Alana, quite well indeed," Elizabeth replied, her voice steady despite the lingering tremors of pleasure. She allowed Alana to assist her to her feet, her legs still slightly unsteady. Standing tall, she looked down at Ester, whose face was flushed and tear-streaked, her body bruised and battered from the ordeal.

Elizabeth's eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and sadistic pleasure as she watched Ester, the once proud nun, now reduced to a quivering mess on the floor. "Alana," she purred, her voice dripping with dark amusement, "make our dear Sister Ester lick your hand clean. Every last bit."

Alana nodded, her expression coldly determined as she extended her hand towards Ester. The older nun recoiled at first, her face contorted in disgust and exhaustion. But Alana was not deterred. She slapped Ester sharply across the face, the sound echoing off the stone walls. "Do it," she commanded, her voice icy.

Ester, tears streaming down her cheeks, finally relented. Her tongue emerged hesitantly, licking at Alana's fingers. Each swipe was slow and reluctant, but with each passing second, her movements became more desperate, driven by the fear of further punishment.

Elizabeth watched the scene unfold, her arms crossed over her chest. A wicked smile played on her lips as she observed Ester's degradation. "Good girl," she cooed mockingly, her voice filled with disdain.

With Alana's help, Elizabeth dragged the exhausted and defeated Ester to the iron maiden standing ominously in the corner of the dungeon. The ancient torture device loomed over them, its spikes glinting menacingly in the dim light.

"I've been waiting for an excuse to use this," Elizabeth chuckled, her voice low and dangerous. "And I can't think of a more deserving bitch than you, Sister Ester."

They forced Ester into the iron maiden, her body trembling as the spikes pressed against her skin. With a final, cruel laugh, Elizabeth slammed the door shut, locking it tight. The spikes would caress Ester's flesh all night, never letting her get comfortable, ensuring that her suffering continued long after they had left the dungeon.

Elizabeth adjusted her habit, the fabric rustling as she smoothed it down. Her eyes were cold and calculating as she considered the next steps. "Alana," she said, her voice commanding yet calm, "the time for subtlety is past. We need to take control of this convent once and for all."

Alana nodded, her excitement palpable. "What should I do, Mistress?" she asked, eager to please.

"Go to the stables," Elizabeth instructed, her tone firm. "Find my men who are hiding there. Talk to Richard... he knows to obey you. Bring them into the convent, and have them go from room to room... I want every single nun here in chains or one of the cages in the next half glass. Tell them to put a few men on the gates to make sure no one escapes. You are to stay with them... make sure those idiots get all of them and don't miss anyone."

Alana's eyes lit up with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. "Yes, Mistress," she replied, already turning to leave.

"And Alana," Elizabeth added, a wicked smile playing on her lips, "once that's done? I want you to pick any one of your former sisters you like. Do whatever you want to her. Rape her senseless, cum as much as you like. Consider it a reward for your loyalty."

A dark light seemed to glimmer in Alana's eyes. "Yes, Mistress..." she whispered. With a nod of gratitude, Alana hurried off, her steps quickening with each passing moment. Elizabeth watched her go, a sense of satisfaction settling over her.

Elizabeth turned her attention to Catherine, who was still locked in the cage, her tear-filled eyes following Alana's departing figure with a desperate gaze. Her baby sister had not so much as glanced at her before leaving, never giving her a thought, and the caged doll had noticed. The sight of Catherine's despair amused Elizabeth, and she casually reached beneath her robes to gather some of her wetness on her finger. With a smirk, she approached the cage and wiped her finger across Catherine's forehead, leaving a glistening streak.

"Do you think Alana belongs to you, Catherine?" Elizabeth taunted as the gorgeous woman flinched as far away as she could inside that cage. The dark-haired beauty's voice dripped with condescension. "Or have you finally realized that she belongs to me? That I control her every move, her every desire? She's never coming back to you, is she? She's mine now, completely."

Catherine's sobs grew louder, her body shaking as she tried to comprehend the reality of her sister's transformation under Elizabeth's influence. The realization that Alana was lost to her, perhaps forever, struck her deeply, adding to her overwhelming sense of helplessness and grief.

Elizabeth watched Catherine's breakdown with a twisted sense of satisfaction, turning her thoughts back to the convent. The ruse was over now. She had learned everything about running this convent she could... it ought to be enough to keep up the masquerade. She would have liked for it to go a little bit longer, but it seemed that Ester had forced her hand... Regardless, Elizabeth felt confident that she had enough. By the end of the evening, the convent would soon be hers completely... and soon after that, no one would dare challenge her authority ever again.


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