Black Flag: A Pirate's Life
One pirate quests to be the ruler of all the seas. One navy captain seeks to stop him. And one captive is caught in between the two of them.
The wind rose clear and strong the day the Sacred Star sailed into its home port of Constantos, pulling the two masted schooner through...
Watching the fires of the burning ship disappearing on the horizon, Celia embraced Eliana. She didn’t care that one or two pirates...
Eliana tugged at the collar of her shirt… the dress uniform wasn’t hers, and it hadn’t been tailored to fit perfectly. It was slightly...
It had been six weeks since since Raudur had taken over command of Banshee’s Wail. These days he rarely heard screams from bellow decks…...
Every night, Eliana tossed and turned in her bed. Soaking her sheets in sweat… her heart racing. She might have escaped from Banshee’s...